The story of UFPA starts in 2004 when the Umpiluzi landowners saw the need for protecting their assets from veld- and forest fires and therefore formed this Fire Protection Association.
There was a need for a well organised and co-ordinated effort in combatting veldfires in our area, landowners who were willing to participate initiated the registration process through the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and played a huge a role in developing UFPA into what it is today. Since 2004 UFPA now has approximately 350 000 of 660 000 hectares under membership in our area.
UFPA aims to always maintain the upmost levels of service for our members and strives to place itself at the forefront of fire protection within the industry.
Services include aerial firefighting, firefighting ground crews, dispatch & co-ordination centre, electronic camera fire detection, incident command centre, fire awareness, weather forecasting & updates, burning permit issuing, GIS mapping, fire training, legal advice and assistance.
UFPA is a proud member of
Mpumalanga Provincial Umbrella Fire Protection Association
Benefits of joining UFPA
- Fire protection advice, rules and requirements
- List of Minimum requirements
- Burning permit issuing
- Basic Fire fighting training at discounted rates for farm workers
- Awareness, public relations, articles and media coverage
- Awareness at ward level for your region
- Presumption of innocence in a legal case until proven otherwise
- Legal advice regarding fires and responsibilities
- Working on Fire ground fire fighting teams assistance (caller to pay the variable cost)
- Ground resource dispatch assistance
- UFPA ward maps
- Fire danger weather forecasts: via e-mail, if requested
- Morning e-mail, with daily forecast and 7 day advance forecast